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Positive Behaviour for Learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning

The Positive School Wide Behaviour Engagement framework at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School reflects the school’s Mission and Vision Statements.

Our School Mission statement

Founded in the Mercy tradition, Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School is a dynamic learning community that nurtures lifelong learners who are challenged to be the best version of themselves in the image of Jesus Christ. 

Our School Rules underpin these values.

  • Be Merciful – be compassionate, kind, forgiving, tolerant and inclusive
  • Be Respectful – of staff, of others, of self, of property, of your community
  • Be Safe – play safe, helping hands, be mindful of self and others
  • Be a Learner – try my best, be confident, persistent and resilient.
Our Behaviour Guidelines

Our Lady of Lourdes is dedicated to teaching our students to be merciful, respectful, safe learners in a supportive, encouraging, and Christ-centred environment.  

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) is a whole-school approach that promotes positive behaviour across our school and helps develop a safe and supportive learning environment for our students.  Our PB4L has its roots in the positive school psychology approach, and it underpins all we do in our pastoral work.  

Students are explicitly taught our expected behaviours in the classroom, on the playground, at pick-up, on the buses and at eating time.  These expected behaviours are consistent throughout the school.  PB4L is a proactive, preventative approach to supporting our students to be the best version of themselves and be successful at school.

Research shows that a Positive School Wide approach:

  • reduces problem behaviour
  • increases academic performance
  • improved perception of safety
  • reduces bullying behaviours
  • increases time for instructional leadership
  • reduces staff turnover
  • improves social-emotional competence 
  • increases positive school climate and culture

A positive psychology framework encourages positivity, building relationships, facilitating outcomes, focusing on strengths, fostering a sense of purpose, enhancing engagement and teaching resilience as best practice to support student learning.   PB4L is a significant component of building safe learning environments for all students.  

Behaviour Intervention Levels

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

A Quiet Chat

Give a Choice


Buddy Class

Office Referall

Where students require more individualised support to meet the school behaviour expectations, an Individual Behaviour Support Plan (IBSP) will be written. An IBSP is completed in consultation with school staff and carers/families and in response to behaviour data.  IBSPs are reviewed frequently.  The aim of these plans is to support, not punish, students while they are learning to self-regulate their behaviour.  

In cases of repeated or serious breaches of school behaviour expectations, an internal or external suspension may be appropriate.  

Reward System

The School Wide Positive Behaviour Support system involves celebrating successes as much as it involves direct teaching of expected behaviours.  Lourdes reviews how it frequently rewards students by providing a new focus topic for positive behaviour that students can strive to achieve.  When a student is spotted acting in the Mercy Way, they will be rewarded with a ticket.  Any staff member can reward any child anywhere, anytime.  Tickets can contribute towards individual rewards for a student or whole class rewards where students can celebrate their success together. 

Record Keeping

Student behaviours of note, both positive and negative, are recorded in COMPASS.  The behaviour support team reviews this behaviour data weekly and is used to guide decisions for preventative action and intervention.  This data-driven approach is proactive.  We do not need to wait for children to fail before we offer them behaviour support.  Our aim, wherever possible, is for behaviour intervention to be positive and proactive.